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Making It Work: God and Your Work

Nov 30, 2020

How do we escape from the comparison trap? Guest Tim Bongiovanni is a Billboard-charting music producer who is very aware of the temptations in his industry to compare and despair, and he's found a way past these challenges with God's help.


Scripture References

  • John 3:30
  • James 1:2-5


Additional Resources


Nov 16, 2020

What should you do with your money? Should you save? Invest? Give it away? These questions have big implications for your financial security in the future, but also for your faith. Rachel McDonough, our guest today is a certified financial planner who has wrestled personally and professionally with this issue. She's...

Nov 2, 2020

We have an honest conversation about what it's like to struggle with mental health at work. With guest Johnny Crowder, CEO of Cope Notes.


Scripture References​


Additional Resources Referenced​

Cope Notes:


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